
basic dni, youre racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, etc

hate on my main interests or any of my faves

post horror or gore

proship / defend ppl who are proship

airaP toriP

13 or younger (!if i follow and you fit this softblock please!)

more unlisted I'll just block you


little to no tw/cw i tag basic triggers i don't tag my interests

tl > dms please don't dm me unless it's abt something serious otherwise i might ignore you

i use tone tags occasionally and i appreciate tone tag usage especially /j /s & /srs

don't take the things I say seriously i'm probably joking but be open and direct with me if I every say anything that upsets you

block and mute pretty freely but assume if we're moots i dont have you muted

selective fb, you're free to interact even if i dont follow back

i like polysho and emunene a lot but im not as big of a fan of rom emurui nenekasa or ruinene as individual ships & i dont like rom mizurui polyniigo akikasa m/f vbs you can follow if you like them though i might not follow back but it depends on how much you talk about them...tenmas x toya shippers dni

i dont talk about my ships at all really its a rare occurence but i do rt ship art sometimes